Cheyenne Child and Family Counseling Center:  High School Teen Girls Therapy Group

Teen years are tough years for girls. As if coping with the physical changes weren’t enough, the other demands on our teen girls  put a lot of pressure on a segment of our young people who are, in reality, trying to prepare for adulthood – but not there yet.  Where can teens (and their parents) turn for support?  

High School Teen Girls Group Therapy like the sessions offered at Cheyenne Child and Family Counseling is a good solution to  consider. Research is demonstrating that group therapy can be highly effective. Why? Because group therapy facilitates giving  and receiving support according to West Chester University. The group supports each participant by listening when they talk and  engaging with them for the entire session, which by itself decreases the sense of isolation. The members also share their own  experiences. The value of the give and take that happens in a High School Teen Girls Group Therapy session positions this  therapy process as a win-win for teens, their families, and society as a whole. 

A deeper dive into the benefits of High School Teen Girls Group Therapy shows it is beneficial for teen girls dealing with:  • Depression and bi-polar disorders 

• Schizophrenia 

• Anxiety, including social anxiety 

• Panic disorders 

• Obsessive-compulsive disorder 

• Posttraumatic stress  

• Eating disorders 

• Substance use disorders 

• Chronic pain 

The reason high school teen group therapy may be so effective is there is an embarrassment reduction and more camaraderie  that people experience in the presence of their peers according to the APA. The duration of high school teen group therapy is  highly individualized and subject to a high degree of variation. High school teen girls should participate in high school teen girls 

therapy until they achieve relief from their symptoms and can begin to develop a normal life with strong relationships and a  sense of belonging; this can take anywhere from weeks to months or even years to occur. 

Research has shown that high school teen group therapy is an effective method to treat multiple psychiatric and behavioral  disorders. Patients often report a reduction in symptoms after participating in high school girls group therapy according to West  Chester University. If this sounds like a good solution for a teen girl in your life, we invite you to join our Wednesday afternoon  group. Please contact us at 307-631-9213.